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The challenges of management in terms of organizational diversity and complexity of the environment in which they operate, to help forces complicate the scenario faced by administrators. The world we live in is changing and turbulent, where changes in constant aspect. Drucker used the expression was discontinuity to represent a world where change is not made by successive logical steps.
The discontinuity causes a complete break with the past and trona is difficult any prediction about the future. Naisbitt was concerned to define magatendências (major changes). All these transactions cause profound impact on the life of a company. The success of organizations depends on their ability to read and interpret external reality.
The pragmatic emphasis on technical and "how to do things" with the use of formulas and universal revenue management already used successfully without that view every situation as a new and different situations. The more important that how to make is what to do. Herein lies the fundamental essence of contemporary management: a strategic vision of each operation.
The administrator must nowadays be fully informed regarding the forces and variables such as globalization and competitiveness, technological development and information.
Companies globalizadasExiste a new world order. The globalization of the economy, it is breaking down boundaries, overcoming different languages and customs and creating new entirely new and different world. For a Japanese consultant Keniche Ohmae emphasizes that the boundaries of business in the world are disappearing fast. Government leaders become concerned with the economic competitiveness of their nations, while the leaders of large organizations turn to organizational competitiveness in a globalized economy. Ohmae identified the call Triad - Japan, the United States and Europe as an important anchor of the global economy. The world of globalization has, on one hand unprecedented opportunities for economic prosperity, and on the other hand is extremely demanding in the preparation of other countries to take advantage of new opportunities.
The different global organizations of multinational organizations colonial style of the 1960s and 1970s. But to serve all its customers in basic markets with equal dedication, wherever they are. Your value system is universal and is not dominated by local or regional dogmas. Another important aspect is that global organizations are founded on common values and shared beliefs and trust.
Globalization is a global and irreversible phenomenon, characterized by the following aspects:
The development and enhancement of information technology (IT) and transport technology, making the world a truly global village;
The emphasis on knowledge and not on basic raw materials;
The formation of multi-regional spaces (such as NAFTA, the European Community, Mercosur);
The internationalization of the productive system of capital and investment;
The gradual expansion of markets;
The difficulties and limitations of modern states and the obsolescence of the law;
The predominance of democratic forms of the developed world.
Ives Granda says that economic relations in globalization outweigh the barriers of countries and controls in an endless attempt to produce better at a lower cost for everyone. It is clear that economic globalization favors the more developed countries, as these have better technology, greater resources and permanent economic stability, and its ability to produce large-scale, for a lower price, higher than the emerging countries.
Po the other hand, economic globalization pose a real increase productivity, on the other hand, makes it difficult to fight and countless segments for an improvement of competitiveness, the difference of their productive potential, by burdening exchange lag, higher interest rates and cumulative tax burden levied on only on domestic products and not about aliens.
The globalization of the economy is better for developed countries that can take it with greater benefits than for emerging countries. The United States and Japan practice a sophisticated protectionism through surcharges and quality control are the biggest beneficiaries of globalization. Globalization is essential but, with care needed, the greatest current challenge is to create a system to maximize global growth, which seje more equitable and capable of integrating emerging economic powers.
The new role of small businesses becomes vital in this new context. It is necessary to develop access for micro and small businesses to the global market channels.
Globalization is creating a situation so that the administrator is able to mobilize personal and professional training to perform their activities in the business world that require her understanding of other cultures. The new challenge of globalization is no longer a simple domestic or South American championship. Is a true world Olympics.
The globalization process goes through four stages:
Pet Stage: The potential market is limited by the domestic market, with all production facilities located in the country of marketing.
International stage: Exports increase, and the company usually adopts a multi domestic approach, often using a specific division to handle marketing in several countries individually.
Multinational stage: The company has production facilities located marketing in several countries, with more than a third of its sales abroad.
Global Stage: Are the international corporations that exceed the centralization in a given country.
MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS internationalize
All organizations have a variety of means to engage in international business. One of them is to seek sources of supply in other countries, called outsourcing. Another is to develop markets for their finished goods in other countries, which involves exporting, licensing and indirect investment products. These are called market entry strategies, because they represent alternative to sell products and services in foreign markets means.
External Sources: The so-called outsourcing means engaging in a international division of labor so that manufacturing can be made in other countries with cheaper sources of labor supply.
Export: The organization can maintain sustained production facilities within the nation of origin and transfer their goods for sale in foreign countries.
Licensing: Through licensing, the organization (the licensor) in a country makes certain resources available in other countries (the licensee). These features requires technology, managerial skills, and patent rights and copy that allow the licensee to produce and market a similar to the licensor produces product.
The franchise (franchise) is a form of licensing in which the franchisor provides franchises with a complete package of services including equipment and materials, products, ingredients, and brand rights in the mark, administrative staff and standardized operating systems.
Direct investment is a direct investment in manufacturing facilities in another country at a high level of involvement in international trade. Indirect investment means that the organization is directly involved in managing the productive assets in another nation. Common type of direct investment is engaging in strategic alliances and partnerships, such as joint venture (join venture). In it the organization shares costs and risks with another organization, usually in the host country, to develop new products, build a new manufacturing facility or establish a network of sales and distribution.
Another alternative is Tue affiliate strategy of local capital over which the organization has complete control. Direct investment provides reduced costs on exports because establish shorter distribution channels, and reduce costs of storage and transportation.
The size and volume of international business are so large that it is difficult to understand them in their extent. Multinational organizations can move or transactional true riches of assets from one country to another and influence national economies, policies and cultures. They have some distinct administrative features such as:
A multinational organization is an integrated system of business worldwide. Foreign affiliates working in close alliance and cooperation between them. Capital, technology and people are transferred between affiliate countries.
A multinational organization is usually controlled by a single administrative authority taking strategic decisions related to all affiliates.
The top managers of multinational organization engaged in a global perspective. Viewing the world as a market for strategic decisions, resource acquisition, location of production, advertising and marketing effectiveness.
The management philosophy may differ from that described either. There ethnocentric organizations efatizam characteristics of their countries of origin, polycentric organizations that are more oriented to the markets of the hosts geocentric organizations that are geared toward the world and countries without national identity.
A key aspect of the contemporary environment is the impact of high technology as a dominant force in our lives. For many people, technology is the villain of the story: the machine instead of us, occupying spaces once occupied by him and causing structural unemployment. But Krugman is not the machine that takes the work of man. The man was already working machine made, tightening screws, eight hours a day for a lifetime. The advancement of technology does not always require higher qualification of manpower.
Rifkin adds that the hand of cheaper labor in the world will not be as cheap as the technology that will replace it. Goes further: small groups of elite workers will replace the massive occupation of manpower because of corporate restructuring and technological modernization just had its beginnings.
Alvin Toffler considers the speed of transactions and business decisions as the biggest challenge to be overcome by individuals, organizations and countries. He describes a world complicated by differences in power based not only on economic development but also in access to information technology. The new system for creating wealth consists of a global network and expanding markets, banks, laboratories and production center in instant communication with each other, constantly exchanged huge and increasing flows of data, information, knowledge - and capital. In a world where change occurs at an increasing rate, information and technology must be used to obtain full advantage.
The major challenges in seeking the domes organizations today are very different: how to tackle global competitors; how to invest in new products / services; how to make strategic alliances with competitors; how to behave in the era of networks (like Internet) and so on.
Raimar Richers refers to the impact of information technology on management hierarchies. Richers says that for the first time in human history, technological innovation tends to be faster and more flexible than the evolution of consumer desires.
The labor market replaces, along the Industrial Revolution, the farms for factories. In the information revolution is moving rapidly in the industrial sector to the service economy. Gradually, the industry provides less employment, although it is increasingly producing modernization, technology, process improvement and increased productivity of people. Increasingly, the service sector provides more jobs. The modernization of factories goes in the direction of better and cheaper products, expanding domestic consumption and occupying a larger share in the external or global market. Industrial modernization causes a migration of jobs, not the extinction of jobs, such as the modernization of agriculture in the First World.
Joel Beting defends the thesis that those who make the employment of the worker is not the producer but the consumer who is the worker himself. Have critic Paul Krugman system, connect both ends: the modernization is reacelerada by globalization in both hands. The modernization promotes the overall economy and pecaridade work. In summary, the balance of modernization is positive.
The increased pressure within organizations is related to the impact of technological development and continuous innovations in order to provide the greatest productivity and quality at work. Means that productivity and quality to competitiveness through better and cheaper products. The reduction of jobs in each organization. At the other end we find the increase in the market and the consequent opportunity for a greater number of organizations with more jobs in a highly dynamic and competitive economy. Paradoxical? Not so much.
This community organizations including hospitals, schools, churches, museums, symphony orchestras, choirs, cultural or arts centers, philanthropic and charitable organizations and thousands of other organizations - aimed at the goals of social services, as opposed to the goals of corporate profits . Not to mention the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are proliferating in the modern world in activities ranging from ecological and environmental activities related to education, poverty and welfare concerns. Typical aspects of nongovernmental organizations - profit involve motivating volunteers working with managers and employees develop a financial support and identification with the community.
Social responsibility is the degree to which an organization assumes obligations through actions that protect and improve the well - being of society as it pursues its own interests. Refers to the degree efficiency and effectiveness that an organization has in achieving its social responsibilities. A socially responsible organization is one performs the following duties:
Incorporates social objectives in their planning processes.
Apply comparative to other organizations in their social programs.
Presents reports to organizational members and partners on the progress of their social responsibility.
Try different approaches to measure their social performance.
Seeks to measure the costs of social programs and the return on investment in social programs.
Some areas of measurement of social responsibility. Many organizations engage in social goals depending on their own organizational objectives. But all organizations make investments in some of the following areas:
Functional economic area refers to the organization's performance in activities such as production of necessary goods and services to people, creating jobs for the company, payment of good wages.
Area of quality of life refers to the degree to which the organization to improve the overall quality of life in society and reducing environmental degradation.
Refers to the degree to which the organization invests financial and human resources to solve community social problems.
Area troubleshooting: refers to the degree to which the organization deals with social problems.
Social responsibility strategies
There are two viewpoints about the social responsibility of organizations: classic and socioeconomic. Under the classical view, management's responsibility is strictly to do with what the business provides maximum profits for the organization. This narrow view template is supported by Milton Friendman, a respected free market economist who preaches that organizations should provide money to investors. The socioeconomic point of view, on the contrary, asserts that an organization should be linked to social well-being, not just their profits.
In terms of commitment to social responsibility, organizations can adopt four alternative strategy, ranging from an obstructive strategy to a proactive strategy.
The administrator must accept personal responsibility to do the right things. Broad social and moral criteria should be used to examine the interests of multiple stakeholders with a dynamic and complex environment.
All organizations operate within a complex set of interests with elements of its general and specific environment, every organization forms a strong network relationships with other organizations and institutions to function satisfactorily.
In fact, "all production and wealth generation process only becomes feasible through joint participation of several partners, each contributing some effort or resource.
The new reality of global business, our organizations need modernization not only in their organizational and technological aspects, but especially in aspects related to culture and mindset in order to improve their performance worldwide. The spirit of citizenship and social responsibility needs to be incremented by our administrators.
By: Michele Lamas
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Fonte: http://www.coladaweb.com/administracao/globalizacao-oportunidades-e-desafios-para-as-organizacoes
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